Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yoga and cancer-prevention

Cancer is a few cells of the body becoming unruly and revolting. These cells then incite other cells to join them, and not obey the body discipline. Additionally to hog all the resources quickly (glucose). Thus the Cancer spreads and starves the body of glucose.

My understanding is that we can prevent cancer and auto-immune diseases by taking care of each cell of the body, like a mother taking care of the child. An attitude of "vaatsalya", expression of mother-like love for each part of the body is essential Yoga.

For example when we do Yoga exercises of the neck, we close the eyes and bring our attention to the neck area, and slowly move the head sideways five times left and five times right, while breathing in harmony with the movements. This simple exercise tells the neck that it belongs!

That "it belongs" feeling makes the body-part happy. You are expressing the love of the body and mind for this specific part. It does not feel neglected and therefore has no urge to revolt or to go haywire, or shout and fight.

Doing these movements of body joints 'with awareness' and love and affection - smile on the face - is the essence of all Yoga. Strenuous or easy, yoga will achieve its purpose of harmonizing the mind-body complex.

So, let us start telling each part of the body that it belongs-----it is not in a state of neglect-----by doing Yoga, easy movements with love and affection, vaatsalya.

(The author is a cancer care-giver and a yoga student)

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